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EKM Reviews Plugin

Integrate and EKM

Mollie Herbert avatar
Written by Mollie Herbert
Updated over a week ago

Connect your EKM store with to automate your review collection.

Navigation πŸ“

  • Navigate to Integrations

  • Select EKM

Instructions βš™οΈ

Before installing our plugin you will need to login to your EKM store in a separate tab.

Click Start Installation πŸ‘‡

The next screen will take you to your EKM store. You need to click "Allow" so we can access your order data to queue the invitations:

Your EKM store is now connected. You should see a notice that says "Active" with your store details below:

How to add the Product Feed to your account.

  • Log in to your EKM account

  • Click Features on the top navigation bar

  • Click on Google Tools

Note: If the Google Tools option is not available on the Features page, you'll need to install is using the More Features section.

  • Copy your Google 'Product Feed URL' from the bottom of the page under the heading 'Google Product Feed'.

  • Log in to your dashboard

  • Navigate Collection >>> Product Catalogue

  • Click 'Setup Product Feed':

  • Paste your Product Feed URL which you copied from your EKM dashboard

  • Ensure that the type of feed is set to CSV

  • Click configure

  • Allow time for the feed to initially download

  • Click Configure once the product feed has downloaded

  • Configure the product feed header mappings as per the screenshot below

  • Click 'Update'

  • Allow some time for the process to finish

  • Navigate to Collection > Product Catalogue to view your imported products

Note: If you have any issues with the products details not in the correct fields, you can remap your feed by repeating the import process.

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