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Magento 2 Reviews Plugin
Magento 2 Reviews Plugin

Integrate and Magento 2

Mollie Herbert avatar
Written by Mollie Herbert
Updated over a week ago

Connect your Magento 2 store with to automate your review collection. It's the same instructions for any Magento 2 version.


⭐️ Available on Grow & Plus

Navigation 📍

  • Navigate to your Dashboard

  • Click on Integrations

  • Select Magento

Instructions ⚙️

Magento 2 Reviews Plugin Installation Guide

  • Open your Command Line and cd to Magento2 root folder

  • Instruct the composer to fetch and install the latest version of the Reviews module from

composer require reviewscouk/reviews
  • When complete, cd to /bin and run the following:

./magento module:enable Reviewscouk_Reviews --clear-static-content./magento setup:upgrade 

Important: If you require 2.3 using the following extension:

Magento Reviews - Basic Configuration

This extension requires a Store ID and an API key, obtained from your dashboard. To find these details:

Get API Key

  • Make a note of your Store ID and API Key required by the Magento module.

Add API Key to Magento

  • Log into your Magento Administration panel

  • Navigate to Stores >> Configuration >> >> Setup

  • Select your Region. customers will be UK, and customers will be US

  • Enter your Store ID and API KEY

Magento Store Specific Integration Options

The Reviews Magento extension offers a number of features - which ones you use will depend on what you're looking to achieve. Below is a brief outline of them all, and instructions on how to configure them.

Magento Review Collection Emails

Magento can automate the review collection process by sending customer/order data to the Reviews platform as soon as an order is completed. You can control the automated collection of Merchant and Product reviews independently.

Enable Magento Review Collection

  • In Magento, navigate to Stores -> Configuration -> -> Automation -> Review Collection

  • Enable collection of Merchant Reviews by setting Queue Invites to Yes

Magento Product Feed

The product feed allows you to sync your product catalogue with the Reviews platform. This feed will be available at To enable this;

  • In Magento, navigate to Stores >> Configuration >> >> Automation >> Product Feed

  • Set Enable Product Feed to Yes.

When you save these settings, the URL of your feed will automatically be added to your Reviews account.

Magento Product Reviews Widget allows you to automatically pull through product-specific reviews directly onto your product pages. To enable this:

  • In Magento, navigate to Stores >> Configuration >> >> On Page Content >> Product Reviews Widget

  • Set Display Reviews Widget on Product Pages to Yes

Tip: You can set the colour used in the widget by entering a HEX colour code into the Widget Hex Colour field. This code must be a valid 6-digit HEX value, with or without the leading # character.

Two types of widgets are available. Javascript Widget is the classic method of displaying reviews and will place an iFrame on the page with the reviews inside. The newer method, Static Content Widget, will display the reviews directly on the product page, rather than inside an iFrame.

Enable Javascript Widget

Displays the reviews in an iFrame on the product page.

  • In Magento, navigate to Stores >> Configuration >> >> On Page Content >> Product Reviews Widget

  • Change the value in the Product Widget Version drop down to Javascript Widget

The Javascript widget will not have the SEO benefits of the Static Content Widget as the review content is placed inside an iFrame on the page - Google may not see it. It is therefore preferable to implement the Static Content Widget unless you have a very good reason not to.

Enable Static Content Widget (preferred)

Displays the reviews directly on the product page, rather than inside an iFrame. This is the preferred method as it allows search engines like Google to crawl and cache the content of the reviews.

  • In Magento, navigate to Stores >> Configuration >> >> On Page Content >> Product Reviews Widget

  • Change the value in the Product Widget Version drop down to Static Content Widget

Tip: The Static Content Widget is better for SEO as your reviews are added directly to the HTML content of your product page. Google will be able to read the reviews content. This is the preferred implementation option.

🚨 Warning 🚨
The Static Content widget adds CSS and Javascript to your page which could potentially conflict with other code on your page. Be sure to test your page after adding the widget.

Magento Rich Snippets

The Magento module allows you to automatically include structured Rich Snippet data on your pages. This data is used by search engines to better understand the content of your pages. Search engines also often use this data to improve the content of results on a Search Engine Result Page (SERP). You can find out more information here.

To enable Rich Snippets:

Enable Merchant Rich Snippets

  • In Magento, navigate to Stores -> Configuration -> -> On Page Content -> Rich Snippets

  • Set Enable Merchant Rich Snippets to Yes

Enable Product Rich Snippets

  • In Magento, navigate to Stores -> Configuration -> -> On Page Content -> Rich Snippets

  • Set Enable Product Rich Snippets to Yes

Magento Alternative BCC Installation Method

Important: The instructions below are only necessary for stores that DON’T mark their orders at shipped in Magento.

BCC is an alternative method that can be used to queue invitation emails when orders come in to your Magento store. This installation method will not be required in 99% of cases.

Copy your BCC address

  • In, navigate to Integrations >> BCC

  • Copy your BCC email address from that page

Add your BCC address to Magento

  • In Magento, navigate to System >> Configuration >> Sales Emails

  • Paste your BCC email address into the Send Order Email Copy To field

From this point our system will receive an email every time an order comes in. When this is set up please email with your account name, informing us that you have started BCC’ing us. It is important that you do this so we can check everything is working as it should.

To prevent issues we highly recommend editing the order confirmation template and add the following code to your order confirmation email:

<!–email:###{{var order.getCustomerEmail()}}–><!–name:###{{htmlescape var=$order.getCustomerName()}}–><!–order:###{{var order.increment_id}}–>

Set BCC email delay

  • In, navigate to Invitations >>> Email Templates

  • Change Send Email After to the required number, in days

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