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BigCommerce App

Integrate and BigCommerce

Mollie Herbert avatar
Written by Mollie Herbert
Updated over a week ago

The BigCommerce application allows you to automate your review collection for service and product reviews.


⭐️ Available on all plans!

Navigation 📍

  • Log into your Dashboard

  • Navigate to Integrations

  • Select BigCommerce

Instructions ⚙️


  • Automate review requests

  • Automatically synchronise product catalogue

  • Boost reviews by sending requests to your past customers

  • Import BigCommerce product reviews

STEP 1: Add BigCommerce 'Permanent Address'

Step 2: Installing the Reviews App

Access your BigCommerce admin

  • Click on Apps

  • Click on Marketplace

  • Click

  • Search for in the search box

  • Click the app

  • Click on Get this App

  • Confirm the installation and the app will install.

Disabling the BigCommerce Built-in Reviews System

  1. Log into your BigCommerce Admin page

  2. Click on Advanced Settings

  3. Click on Comments

  4. Click the Built-in tab

  5. Deselect the Product reviews checkbox

  6. Click save

Note: Review Invitations are triggered once order status is changed to 'SHIPPED'

Boost reviews by sending requests to your past customers -

  • Select the date range to go back to

  • Enable the automation for new and previous orders

Installation of widgets

Product Rating Snippet (Stars and Popup widget)

Go to BigCommerce Admin > Storefront > My Themes

Under your current theme select Advanced > Edit Theme Files

Note: Your Store ID can be found highlighted in red on this page:

You will need to create a new Script within the Big Commerce script manager. Which you can learn how to do here.

Be sure to update STORE to match the ID of your account. Your Store ID can be located here! Example below of this set-up:

Within the base.html you'll need to put the Style and Script link URLs:

<script src=""></script><link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

Within the script manager you'll then need to put the rating snippet script:

<script>ratingSnippet("ruk_rating_snippet", {store: "ENTER YOUR STORE ID HERE",color: "#0E1311",linebreak: true,usePolaris: true,text: "Reviews"});</script> 

Adding the element for the rating snippet to be output into
Now that we’ve enabled the widget javascript and styles we need to add an element to the Product page and Category page that the rating snippet will be displayed in

Go to BigCommerce Admin > Storefront > My Themes

Under your current theme select Advanced > Edit Theme Files

Locate the Product details template, this is usually located under templates > components > products > product_view.html

Paste the following element where you want the star rating and review count to appear, we recommend adding this below the Product Price for maximum visibility of your reviews to site visitors.

<div class="ruk_rating_snippet" data-sku="###{{ product.sku }}"></div>

Locate the Category listing page, this is usually called card.html and located under templates > components > products > card.html

Paste the following element where you want the star rating and review count to appear.

<div class="ruk_rating_snippet" data-sku="###{{ product.sku }}"></div>

Product Reviews Widget
Go to BigCommerce Admin > Storefront > My Themes
Under your current theme select Advanced > Edit Theme Files

Locate the Product details template, this is usually located under templates > components > products > product_view.html

Paste the following element where you want the Product Reviews widget to appear

<div id="ReviewsWidget"></div>

Immediately below this, add the widget Javascript, Configuration and Styles. This example is stripped back to provide as little code as possible, additional configuration settings can be found under the Widget Library Page. Be sure to update STORE to be the ID of your account.

 <script src=""></script><div id="ReviewsWidget"></div><script>  new ReviewsWidget("#ReviewsWidget", {    //Your Store ID and widget type:    store: "[STORE]",    widget: "polaris",    //Content settings (store_review,product_review,third_party_review,questions). Choose what to display in this widget:    options: {      types: "product_review,questions",      lang: "en",      //Possible layout options: bordered, large and reverse.      layout: "",      //How many reviews & questions to show per page?      per_page: 15,      store_review: {        hide_if_no_results: false,      },      third_party_review: {        hide_if_no_results: false,      },      //Product specific settings. Provide product SKU for which reviews should be displayed:      product_review: {        //Display product reviews - include multiple product SKUs seperated by Semi-Colons (Main Indentifer in your product catalog )        sku: '###{{product.sku}}',        hide_if_no_results: false,      },      //Questions settings:      questions: {        hide_if_no_results: false,        enable_ask_question: true,        show_dates: true,        //Display group questions by providing a grouping variable, new questions will be assigned to this group.        grouping: "###{{product.sku}}",      },      //Header settings:      header: {        enable_summary: true, //Show overall rating & review count        enable_ratings: true,        enable_attributes: true,        enable_image_gallery: true, //Show photo & video gallery        enable_percent_recommended: false, //Show what percentage of reviewers recommend it        enable_write_review: true, //Show "Write Review" button        enable_ask_question: true, //Show "Ask Question" button        enable_sub_header: true, //Show subheader        rating_decimal_places: 2,      },      //Filtering settings:      filtering: {        enable: true, //Show filtering options        enable_text_search: true, //Show search field        enable_sorting: true, //Show sorting options (most recent, most popular)        enable_overall_rating_filter: true, //Show overall rating breakdown filter        enable_ratings_filters: true, //Show product attributes filter        enable_attributes_filters: true, //Show author attributes filter      },      //Review settings:      reviews: {        enable_avatar: true, //Show author avatar        enable_reviewer_name: true, //Show author name        enable_reviewer_address: true, //Show author location        reviewer_address_format: "city, country", //Author location display format        enable_verified_badge: true, //Show "Verified Customer" badge        review_content_filter: "undefined", //Filter content        enable_reviewer_recommends: true, //Show "I recommend it" badge        enable_attributes: true, //Show author attributes        enable_product_name: true, //Show display product name        enable_review_title: undefined, //Show review title        enable_replies: undefined, //Show review replies        enable_images: true, //Show display review photos        enable_ratings: true, //Show product attributes (additional ratings)        enable_share: true, //Show share buttons        enable_helpful_vote: true, //Show "was this helpful?" section        enable_helpful_display: true, //Show how many times times review upvoted        enable_report: true, //Show report button        enable_date: true, //Show when review was published      },    },    //Translation settings    translations: {      "Verified Customer": "Verified Customer",    },    //Style settings:    styles: {      //Base font size is a reference size for all text elements. When base value gets changed, all TextHeading and TexBody elements get proportionally adjusted.      "--base-font-size": "16px",      //Button styles (shared between buttons):      "--common-button-font-family": "inherit",      "--common-button-font-size": "16px",      "--common-button-font-weight": "500",      "--common-button-letter-spacing": "0",      "--common-button-text-transform": "none",      "--common-button-vertical-padding": "10px",      "--common-button-horizontal-padding": "20px",      "--common-button-border-width": "2px",      "--common-button-border-radius": "0px",      //Primary button styles:      "--primary-button-bg-color": "#0E1311",      "--primary-button-border-color": "#0E1311",      "--primary-button-text-color": "#ffffff",      //Secondary button styles:      "--secondary-button-bg-color": "transparent",      "--secondary-button-border-color": "#0E1311",      "--secondary-button-text-color": "#0E1311",      //Star styles:      "--common-star-color": "#0E1311",      "--common-star-disabled-color": "rgba(0,0,0,0.25)",      "--medium-star-size": "22px",      "--small-star-size": "19px",      //Heading styles:      "--heading-text-color": "#0E1311",      "--heading-text-font-weight": "600",      "--heading-text-font-family": "inherit",      "--heading-text-line-height": "1.4",      "--heading-text-letter-spacing": "0",      "--heading-text-transform": "none",      //Body text styles:      "--body-text-color": "#0E1311",      "--body-text-font-weight": "400",      "--body-text-font-family": "inherit",      "--body-text-line-height": "1.4",      "--body-text-letter-spacing": "0",      "--body-text-transform": "none",      //Input field styles:      "--inputfield-text-font-family": "inherit",      "--input-text-font-size": "14px",      "--inputfield-text-font-weight": "400",      "--inputfield-text-color": "#0E1311",      "--inputfield-border-color": "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)",      "--inputfield-background-color": "transparent",      "--inputfield-border-width": "1px",      "--inputfield-border-radius": "0px",      "--common-border-color": "rgba(0,0,0,0.15)",      "--common-border-width": "1px",      "--common-sidebar-width": "190px",      //Slider indicator (for attributes) styles:      "--slider-indicator-bg-color": "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)",      "--slider-indicator-button-color": "#0E1311",      "--slider-indicator-width": "190px",      //Badge styles:      "--badge-icon-color": "#0E1311",      "--badge-icon-font-size": "inherit",      "--badge-text-color": "#0E1311",      "--badge-text-font-size": "inherit",      "--badge-text-letter-spacing": "inherit",      "--badge-text-transform": "inherit",      //Author styles:      "--author-font-size": "inherit",      "--author-text-transform": "none",      //Author avatar styles:      "--avatar-thumbnail-size": "60px",      "--avatar-thumbnail-border-radius": "100px",      "--avatar-thumbnail-text-color": "#0E1311",      "--avatar-thumbnail-bg-color": "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)",      //Product photo or review photo styles:      "--photo-video-thumbnail-size": "80px",      "--photo-video-thumbnail-border-radius": "0px",      //Media (photo & video) slider styles:      "--mediaslider-scroll-button-icon-color": "#0E1311",      "--mediaslider-scroll-button-bg-color": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)",      "--mediaslider-overlay-text-color": "#ffffff",      "--mediaslider-overlay-bg-color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8))",      "--mediaslider-item-size": "110px",      //Pagination & tabs styles (normal):      "--pagination-tab-text-color": "#0E1311",      "--pagination-tab-text-transform": "none",      "--pagination-tab-text-letter-spacing": "0",      "--pagination-tab-text-font-size": "16px",      "--pagination-tab-text-font-weight": "600",      //Pagination & tabs styles (active):      "--pagination-tab-active-text-color": "#0E1311",      "--pagination-tab-active-text-font-weight": "600",      "--pagination-tab-active-border-color": "#0E1311",      "--pagination-tab-border-width": "3px",    },  });</script>

To remove our BigCommerce App:

- Go to My Apps within Bigcommerce Admin
- Click uninstall on the app
- Update any scripts that have been added!

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