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Attributes - Product, Company & Customer
Attributes - Product, Company & Customer

We're introducing a new page dedicated to managing customer, company and product attributes.

Mollie Herbert avatar
Written by Mollie Herbert
Updated over 2 months ago


⭐️ Available on Grow plan and above


  • Head to Collection >> Attributes

Introduction ⚙️

Reviewer attributes enable you to capture insights into your customers. Attributes allows you to ask additional questions during the review collection process using preset attribute fields. These can be captured during product or company review collection and can provide deeper insights into the product or service.

You can use the Attributes page to create additional questions that customers are asked when they leave reviews. You have the option to create the following questions:

  • Choice: Customers can select single attribute from multiple options.

  • Centered Select : Great for measuring deviation from standard.

  • Multiple Choice: Customers can select multiple attributes from multiple options.

  • Text: Add/edit additional free text questions.

  • Yes / No : Customers must select a single option.

All types of attributes appear on the same page, so it’s easier to manage them and see which ones are active/inactive. Active attributes will be asked to your customers when they complete a review form.

You can view where attributes are being displayed as indicated by the “visibility” column. If an attribute is deactivated, then it gets hidden from the collector and widgets. Alternatively, users have the option to have private attributes which appear only in the collector but aren’t published in widgets or on profile pages.

You can search and filter attributes based on criteria such as status, visibility, product category and answer type, like below 👇

Attribute Presets

There are over 1,300 product, company, and customer attributes suitable for common industries. If you have set your industry type in Account Settings > Edit Profile Information, you will see attributes that are relevant to your business. For example, if your store is in the "Apparel & Fashion" industry, the system pre-selects the "Apparel & Fashion" attribute category by default.

Language Handling

The system automatically translates attributes to several languages. You can preview translations by selecting different languages from the dropdown. This activates the “translation mode”, where translations can be manually corrected.

You can also edit translations of “multiple choice” and “single choice” answers.

The order of attributes in the table reflects the order of questions asked on the collector page. You can change the sequence of questions by clicking up/down buttons.

Collector Page

Since attributes are managed via a dedicated page, the collector editor doesn’t have options to edit attributes. The collector editor is used primarily for changing settings and styles of the collector.

Attributes in the Timeline

Company, product and customer attributes are visible in your timeline when you click on a review.

Displaying Attributes Onsite

Product Review Widget

Previous versions of the product widget supported only “star rating” and “center select” attributes for company and product reviews. This update adds support for “multiple choice”, “single choice”, “text” and “yes/no”, as seen below.

Customer and product attributes can appear as filters in the subheader dropdown, so people can filter reviews by attribute answers.

Floating Widget

Our floating widgets show more types of attributes and can hide/show them based on “status” and “visibility” settings on the attributes page.

Carousel Widgets

Carousel widgets show more types of attributes, such as “multiple choice”, “single choice”, “text” and “yes/no”. NOTE: Carousel widgets support only “customer” attributes.

Using Attributes in Klaviyo via Segments

We offer the ability to create Segments via Attributes which you have collected from customers along reviews by virtue of our new Klaviyo update. If you had an Attribute already set up and collected in

This information would then be able to be utilised within these segments in Klaviyo under the Properties about someone: Profile Page

Profile pages now show more types of company/product attributes and can hide them based on “status” and “visibility” settings on the attributes page.

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