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Review Nuggets

Select Snippets of Reviews to display on your site.

Mollie Herbert avatar
Written by Mollie Herbert
Updated over 8 months ago


⭐️ Available on Grow and Plus plans!

Instructions ⚙️

Create - Users looking at reviews from the timeline on their dashboard are able to select snippets of text, which they can then present on their site as a short nugget to show the benefit of their product or store.

Manage - From the dashboard, users are able to manage their review nuggets from the nuggets manager page, where they can filter, set if a review nugget is active for publishing to widgets, and delete nuggets that are no longer required.

Publish - Users can create a nuggets widget using the nuggets widget customiser, which provides a wide variety of customisations and generates the HTML/JS code required to install a widget on clients' websites.

Opportunities - The Nuggets Opportunities section provides a list of how many reviews & nuggets each product has, which will help identify products without nuggets.


  • It is easy to select review snippets to add to the nugget from already existing reviews.

  • This can be placed next to a product on a product page.

  • Customize the types of reviews shown.

  • Able to style in line with the user’s requirements.

  • Minimal design.

Create - Select and save review text to create review nuggets

Navigation : Dashboard > Timeline > View Company Review or Product Review

1. Create a review text by selecting text via mouse or touch dragging to start highlighting.

2. Click ‘Add to Nuggets’ to save a new review nugget.

Note: Starting a new highlight or clicking in the review text area will cancel the previously highlighted text

Create - Select and save review text to create review nuggets

Navigation: Highlighted Text > Previewed Nuggets > Clicked ‘Add to Nuggets’

Users can navigate straight to the nuggets manager via the ‘Open Nuggets Manager’ button.

Manage - View and update review nuggets status to manage saved review nuggets

Navigation: Create Nugget > Open Nuggets Manager or Nuggets >Manage via the left navigation menu

Users can view all their collected nuggets by type (company and product reviews only), navigate to the review in the timeline, change the publishing status and delete existing nuggets.

When a review has existing nuggets, a new button appears on the review page.

Publish - Create and customise review nuggets widget to publish on clients' sites

Navigation: Open Nuggets Manager > Preview Widget or Nuggets > Publish via the left navigation menu

Users can create a nuggets widget using the nuggets widget customiser which provides a wide variety of customisations and generates HTML/JS code required to install a widget on clients' websites.

Nugget Review Tagging

To only display reviews with a specific tag or branch, you will have to manually input this after you have pressed "Get Installation Code"

tags="[! Provide tags if you wish to filter nuggets based on tags: e.g tag1;tag2 !]"

branch="[! Provide a branch name if you wish to filter nuggets by branch !]"

If you wanted to only display nuggets that were in German & tagged with DE, you would need to update the code to be the same as the following"


Widget Customization Options:

  • Content-Type

  • Maximum Number of Reviews

  • Vert. Padding & Hor. Padding

  • Max Width

  • Show Ratings

  • Star Size, Star Color, Disabled Star Color

  • Maximum Number of Lines Displayed

  • Show Buttons

  • Show Reviewers Name & Anonymize Reviewers

  • Review Font Family, Text Color, Font Weight, Line Height, Letter Spacing, and Text Case

  • Author Font Family, Text Color, Font Weight, Line Height, Letter Spacing, Text Case

Review Nugget Opportunities:

The nugget opportunities tab shows you a list of products with and without nuggets, making it easier for you to find products missing review nuggets.

This list will include:

  • Product Image

  • Product Name

  • Rating

  • Review Count

  • Nuggets created

  • Product SKU

From here, you can search for specific products and click on the reviews to create your nuggets.

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