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Maropost Integration

Integrate REVIEWS.IO and Maropost (formerly Neto)

Mollie Herbert avatar
Written by Mollie Herbert
Updated over 4 months ago

The REVIEWS.IO Maropost integration allows you to sync your Maropost product feed to REVIEWS.IO, as well as automate your review collection from your Neto sales orders.


βœ… An active Maropost store

⭐️ An active REVIEWS.IO subscription

Navigation πŸ“

  • Sign in to your REVIEWS.IO Dashboard

  • Navigate to Integrations

  • Select Maropost

Instructions βš™οΈ

Log in to Maropost Control Panel

Go to your Maropost Commerce Cloud Control Panel and select ' Addons'. Find the REVIEWS.IO App under Marketing and select 'Get Addon'

Confirm Details

Once you have selected 'Get Addon', you'll be asked to confirm the accounts login details or to set up an account if you do not already have one.

Once signed in, your Maropost app will be connected!

​You can control your connection to your Maropost store once it is connected.

  • Sync Orders

  • Sync Old Orders (Boost reviews by sending requests to your past customers - Select date range to go back too.)

  • Sync Product Feed

Adding the Product Reviews Widget to your Product Pages

Step 1

Open Maropost Settings

Go to your Maropost Store Control Panel and click 'Settings & tools' and then 'All settings & tools' from the sub-menu.

Step 2

Webstore Templates

Scroll down to the System Templates section and click into 'Webstore Templates'.

Step 3

Edit Product File

Navigate to Web Themes > storefront > templates > products > includes > product_information.template.html, and click to edit.

Step 4

Add Widget Code

Look for the div element with the id of accordionReviews, and add the unique code found in your dashboard inside the card-body class.

Below is example snippet only

Adding the Product Rating Snippet to your Product Pages

Step 1

Open Maropost Settings

Go to your Maropost Store Control Panel and click 'Settings & tools' and then 'All settings & tools' from the sub-menu.

Step 2

Webstore Templates

Scroll down to the System Templates section and click on 'Webstore Templates'.

Step 3

Edit Template File

To add the rating widget to the product category pages, navigate to Web Themes > storefront > templates > thumbs > product > template.html, and click to edit.

Find the card-title element and add the following code below it.

To add this widget to the main product page, modify the following file instead : Web Themes > storefront > templates > products > include > header.template.html.

<div class="ruk_rating_snippet" data-sku="[@sku@]"></div>

In the footer file, found here: Web Themes > storefront > templates > footers > template.html, add the unique code found in your dashboard. Below is example only

Developer Notes
Add the below code to the product_review block of rich snippet widgets to enable rich snippet output.

product_review: {
enable_rich_snippets: true,
structured_data: {
category: "[%escape%][@product_type@][%/escape%]",
gtin13: "[%escape%][@barcode@][%/escape%]",
[%IF [@manufacturer_model@]%]
mpn: "[%escape%][@manufacturer_model@][%/escape%]",
mpn: "[%escape%][@sku@][%/escape%]",
[%END IF%]
url: "[@url@]",
[% if [@thumb@] %]
image: '[@config:home_url@][@thumb@]',
description: "[%escape%][%format type:'text' rmhtml:'1'%][%format type:'text' addbr:'1'%][@description@][%/format%][%/format%][%/escape%]",
[%DISPLAY_CHILD_PRODUCTS id:'[@SKU@]' sortby:'sortorder,name'%]
[%PARAM ifempty%]
offers: [{
type: 'Offer',
price: "[%if [@inpromo@]%][@promo_price@][%else%][@price@][%/if%]",
priceCurrency: "[@config:defaultcurrency@]",
url: "[%escape%][@url@][%/escape%]",
availability: "[%if [@instock@] > 0%]InStock[%else%]OutOfStock[%/if%]",
seller: {
type: 'Organization',
name: '[%escape%][@config:company_name@][%/escape%]'
priceValidUntil: "[%if [@inpromo@]%][@promo_end@][%/if%]",
[%/ PARAM%]
[%PARAM header%]
offers: {
type: "AggregateOffer",
lowPrice: "[%if [@inpromo@]%][@promo_price@][%else%][@price@][%/if%]",
priceCurrency: "[@config:defaultcurrency@]",
offerCount: "[@count@]",
offers: [
[%/ PARAM%]
[%PARAM *body%]
type: "offer",
[%if [@store_quantity@] > 0 AND [@preorder@] %]
availability: "",
[%elseif [@store_quantity@] > 0 AND ![@preorder@] %]
availability: "",
[%elseif [@store_quantity@] < 1 AND [@config:ALLOW_NOSTOCK_CHECKOUT@] %]
availability: "",
availability: "",
[%if ![@inpromo@]%]
price: "[@store_price@]",
price: "[@promo_price@]",
gtin13: "[%escape%][@barcode@][%/escape%]",
seller: {
type: "Organization",
name: "[%escape%][@CONFIG:COMPANY_NAME@][%/escape%]"
itemCondition: "NewCondition",
priceCurrency: "[@config:defaultcurrency@]",
url: "[%escape%][@url@][%/escape%]",
sku: "[%escape%][@SKU@][%/escape%]",
image: "[$home_url$][%asset_url type:'product' id:'[@SKU@]' thumb:'thumb' check_parent:'y'/%]",
name: "[%escape%][@name@][%/escape%]"
[%/ PARAM%]
[%PARAM footer%]
[%/ PARAM%]
brand: {
type: 'Brand',
name: '[@brand@]',
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