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Volusion Reviews Plugin

Integrate and Volusion

Mollie Herbert avatar
Written by Mollie Herbert
Updated over a week ago

Connect your Volusion store with to automate your review collection.

Navigation 📍

  • Navigate to Integrations

  • Select Volusion

Instructions ⚙️

  • Enter your website URL

Enable product feed export

  • Log in to Volusion

  • Navigate to Inventory >> Import Export

  • Navigate to the Volusion API Tab

  • Toggle on Enable Public XML for All Products

  • Click Save

Set BCC Email address

  • Navigate to Settings >> Company

  1. Click the blue more link under email field

  2. Set the ’CC Orders To’ field to:

  • Click Save

Edit Order Confirmation Email

  • Navigate to Design > File Editor.

  • Click to edit email template.

  • Edit the OrderConfirmation_To_Merchant.asp Email Template

  • Paste the following code at the bottom of the email template (just before the </body> tag):

<!--name:$(Bill_FirstName) $(Bill_LastName)--><!--email:$(EmailAddress)--><!--orderid:$(OrderNo)-->

Install Product Reviews Widget

  • Navigate to Design > Template.

  • Click Edit HTML for active template.

  • Add the Product Widget HTML after the closing </main> tag.

<div class="container"> <div id="productReviewsWidget"></div> </div><script src="" async></script><script type="text/javascript">function productWidgetCallback(){    if (location.pathname == "/ProductDetails.asp" || location.pathname.indexOf("-p/") != -1 || location.pathname.indexOf("_p/") != -1){        productWidget('productReviewsWidget',{            store: 'my-company',            sku: jQuery(".product_code").text(),            primaryClr: "#10D577",            neutralClr: "#EBEBEB",            buttonClr: "#EEE",

Install Merchant Reviews Floating Widget

  • Navigate to Design >> Template

  • Click Edit HTML for active template

  • Paste the following HTML before the closing </body> tag

<script type="text/javascript" src="" data-store="my-company" data-color="#12CF6C" data-position="right"></script><link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
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