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Use "tag" or "branch" option within Widgets
Use "tag" or "branch" option within Widgets

Filter Reviews by 'Tags' for publishing onsite

Mollie Herbert avatar
Written by Mollie Herbert
Updated over 8 months ago

Introduction ๐Ÿ“–

Our widgets have a โ€œtagโ€ or "branch" option, allowing you to only show reviews matching your chosen tag or branch


โญ๏ธ Available on Grow plan and above

Navigation ๐Ÿ“

  • Log in to your account

  • Navigate to Publishing >> Widget Library

  • Select the widget you wish to use.

Our latest widgets include the option to add a branch or tag using the widget settings on the left-hand side. The below is using the Card Carousel Widget.

Select General Settings on the left-hand side ๐Ÿ‘‡

  • Type in the specific branch or tag that you wish to use:

HTML Code - Tag

If you are using one of our other widgets you are still able to pull the reviews through using the HTML code:

The below code generates a widget that only displays reviews tagged

This would need to be added before the closing body tag of the widget:

  tag: 'favourite',

For example ๐Ÿ‘‡

<div id="widget"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
carouselWidget('widget', {
store: 'your-account-key',
tag: 'favourite',
primaryClr: '#12CF6C',
neutralClr: '#EBEBEB',
buttonClr: '#eee',
reviewTextClr: '#fff',
layout: 'fullWidth'

HTML Code - Branch

If you are using one of our other widgets you are still able to pull the reviews through using the HTML code:

The below code generates a widget that only displays reviews with the branch

This would need to be added before the closing body tag of the widget:

  branch: 'london',

For example ๐Ÿ‘‡

<div id="widget"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
carouselWidget('widget', {
store: 'your-account-key',
branch: 'london',
primaryClr: '#12CF6C',
neutralClr: '#EBEBEB',
buttonClr: '#eee',
reviewTextClr: '#fff',
layout: 'fullWidth'


How do I set up branches?

You are able to set up branches Manually & Automatically please see the articles below.

How do I set up tags?

We do offer automated tagging & bulk tagging, you can see the details on this below:

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