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How to Export your Reviews
How to Export your Reviews

Here's how to export your reviews.

Mollie Herbert avatar
Written by Mollie Herbert
Updated over 7 months ago

You have the facility to easily export your reviews collected with REVIEWS.IO from your account.


⭐️ ️ Available on Grow and Plus plans only!

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Instructions βš™οΈ

  • From the options, choose either Company Reviews, Product Reviews or Questions & Answers

  • Select the date range of the reviews you'd like to export using Date From and Date To

The date range can either be chosen from the calendar provided, or input manually. If inputting manually, you must enter it in the following format: year-mm-dd.

  • Select Minimum and Maximum review ratings from 1 - 5 stars

You can set your ratings accordingly to display all your 1-star reviews for example, by making Minimum Rating 1 and Maximum Rating 1.

  • Select Yes or No to Include Additional Ratings

Additional Ratings are any additional questions you have asked within your Collector Page using the options provided, such as star ratings, multiple choice, text questions, or yes or no questions.

The example below shows the Additional Rating question "Would you use (your business name) in the future?". Additional questions such as these are optional within the Collector Page; therefore, not every reviewer has chosen to answer the question.

  • Choose the Format of your exported reviews by selecting either CSV or JSON

CSV Export

When you export your reviews via CSV, they can be opened in any program, however, your file is best viewed through a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc or Google Docs.

If you choose CSV format, your exported reviews will include the following column headings:

  • Name

  • Rating

  • Review

  • Email

  • Date

  • Branch

  • Order ID

Additional column headings, dependent on your Collector Page, include:

  • NPS

  • Titles of any Additional Ratings

JSON Export

When you export your reviews via JSON, they can be opened and saved using a text editor. JSON files are best viewed through Microsoft Notepad, Apple TextEdit, Mozilla Firefox and other similar programs.

If you choose JSON format, your exported reviews will include the same column headings and information as a CSV file.

  • Enter the email address you want the file sent to, & Click Export

Once you have selected Export, your file will be sent to your email address to download in your selected format.

Exporting Reviews From Your Timeline

You are also able to Export Filtered Results directly from your Timeline,

This allows you to set multiple filters and export the reviews that fit those, for example, Photo/Video reviews or Third-party reviews.

Once you have chosen your filters, choose 'Export Results'

You will then need to add your preferred email address so we can send the export as soon as it's ready! Then just go ahead and hit 'Submit'.

If you have any questions regarding importing or exporting your reviews, please send an email to for further assistance.

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