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Collector Page Settings

Customise your company review & product review collector pages

Mollie Herbert avatar
Written by Mollie Herbert
Updated over 7 months ago

This article goes over the Ins & Outs of our collectors page and our features for you so you can find the perfect set-up for your business!


⭐️ This is available on ALL of our plans!

Navigation πŸ“

Navigate to Collection >> Collector Page πŸ‘‡

Instructions βš™οΈ

Your collector page is what your customers will see when submitting a review. It is essential that this Collector Page matches your brand and requirements 🎨

First, we'll take a look at how to edit the Company Review Collector Page πŸ‘‡

Company Review Collector Page

Overall Star Rating

You can edit the wording of the Overall Star Rating question by clicking Edit. You can also Customise your review comments question. See below an example of what you might rename your rating question πŸ‘‡


You can also adjust the colors and certain design/styling on the collector page,

Here is an article on customising your Collector page.

If you have a specific color code you'd like to enter, you can do so to specific parts of the collector page like so πŸ‘†


On the Collector Page right-hand side, you have various toggles that can be switched on/off. Below will list which each one will do!


You can add NPS scoring to your review collector. NPS is your Net Promoter Score; more can be read on this feature here

Note: NPS collection is only available on the Grow plan and above!

Allow Anonymous Reviews

You can allow customers to leave reviews anonymously, meaning their name will not appear on your public Company Profile Page.

Merchant Metrics

When Merchant Metrics is enabled, it will track sentiments from your reviews, such as delivery times. These will be displayed on your Company Profile page.

Grammar Suggestions

To ensure your reviews are of the highest quality, customers will be suggested with grammar improvements when submitting their reviews. To display reviews on Google (Shopping Stars and Seller Ratings), correct grammar is required.

Custom Review Submission Redirect URL

There is also the option to add a Custom Review Submission Redirect URL

If this is added, the customer will be redirected to this URL instead of the default Submission page.

Note: You would need to be on our Plus Plan to access this feature.


You are also able to disable the Instagram "follow us" feature. By default, your page will appear as such when a customer has submitted their review:

You can change the Instagram Username that is embedded in 'Follow Us' πŸ‘‡

Add Review Photos & Videos

You can give your customers the option to add photos and videos to their reviews. Turn it on using the option to the right of the screen πŸ‘‡

Product Review Collector Page

The Product Collector page follows a very similar format to the Company one, however, there are a few slight additions.

Voucher Codes

If you are collecting Product reviews, you will be able to add a Voucher code for your customers. Click here to read more on the Voucher code setup πŸ‘‡

Review Title & Recommendation

You will also be able to ask your customers for a Product Review Title and ask if they recommend the product πŸ‘‡

Require Product Reviews & Product Review Comments

Requiring a Product Review is only available for your Combined Invitations and will only show in the Product Reviews Collector Tab

If selected with just a Company Invitation active, this setting for obvious reasons will not be applied. Turn it on by using the option to the right of the screen.

Normally, when a Combined Invitation is sent, customers are required to leave a company review first and then at the end of the collector page, they have the choice of whether they'd like to leave a product review. They can select "Yes" and write their product review, but they can also select no, and successfully leave just their company review.

However, when selecting "Require a Product Review" within your Collector Page customization, the option to select yes or no is removed, and customers must also fill in a product review in order to successfully leave their review.

You can also enable "Require product review comments" and disable "Require product reviews".

This means each product will have a "Do you want to review <product name>" yes/no toggle.

If you toggle any to Yes, then you can't submit the form without entering comments.


If I make text changes to my collector page, do these automatically translate as the rest of the page would?

If you do edit the text for either the Overall Star Rating or Write a Review questions, these questions will only display in English when your customers click the link and are directed to your review collector. I you need to send your invitations in languages other than English, do not edit the pre-set wording. If you do not edit the text of these questions, they will automatically translate into the language your customers web browser is set to.

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