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How to set up Dynamic Link (Klaviyo)
How to set up Dynamic Link (Klaviyo)

How to locate the correct parameters for your Dynamic Link

Maddox Betts avatar
Written by Maddox Betts
Updated over 5 months ago


⚙️ An active Klaviyo account.

⭐️ Available on Start-up and above plans

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Building your Dynamic Link

Your Dynamic Link will differ depending on your e-commerce platform. You can find the template for your e-commerce by navigating to this page in your dashboard.

Filling your Dynamic Link with the correct parameters

To fill out your Dynamic Link with the correct parameters, you will need to go to the flow where you want to embed your link:

From here, you'll click the desired Email > Edit > Edit Email > Preview & Test which will take you to a section with customer information such as Order ID, name, SKU, etc.

If you then hover over, for example, first_name: you will be shown the parameter that you'd need to use in your dynamic link to pull in the first name of your customer.

If you had the Dynamic Link frame below, for example, then you would need to replace the <customer name> with the dynamic parameter that you have copied from Klaviyo:

Your Dynamic Link would then look like this:{{ event.extra.customer.default_address.first_name|default:'' }}&order_id=<order reference>&email=<customer email address>&products=<product sku>&l=<language>&type=<review type>&video_campaign_id=<video_campaign_id>

You would need to repeat this process above for each placeholder until your Dynamic Link was complete with each dynamic parameter.

As a further example, see below how we have located the SKU and copied the dynamic parameter:

The link would now be:{{ event.extra.customer.default_address.first_name|default:'' }}&order_id=<order reference>&email=<customer email address>&products=###{{ event.extra.line_items.0.product.variant.sku|default:'' }}&l=<language>&type=<review type>&video_campaign_id=<video_campaign_id>

To confirm that this is the correct SKU parameter, you can navigate to your Product Catalog in your dashboard to see if the SKU corresponds with a product in your feed. In the example above, I would check if PCG01010101 exists in my feed.

Requesting Review Types

The type parameter would refer to what type of review template is sent to your customers. There are three types:

  • &type=product - Product reviews

  • &type=Company - Company reviews

  • &type=Combined - Company & Product reviews

Adding Multiple SKUs

To add multiple SKUs you need to make sure that you're separating the SKUs with a semi-colon. This HAS to be URL encoded, or it won't work. It'll then have to be [SKU_PLACEHOLDER_ONE]%3B[SKU_PLACEHOLDER_TWO] and so on. The semi-colon is %3B when the URL encoded. You can add 5 SKU placeholders as a default.

Note: This will be different for each store, and the links above should not be used as it's highly likely they will not correspond with anything in your own Klaviyo.

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