⭐️ Active REVIEWS.IO account
✅ Active Shopify account
🔋 Active Recharge account
Note: If you are billed directly through Shopify, you would need to be on the Launch Plus plan to access our Integrations.
Navigation 📍
Log into your REVIEWS.IO dashboard
Go into Integrations
Select Recharge
Select the desired store you wish to install Recharge with. You will see an “Authorize” button.
Click this to authorize the REVIEWS.IO app to access your Recharge account. We require permission to read your subscription and customer information.
Once you have set up the integration, you will be taken back to the recharge integration page.
You will need to repeat the steps above for any extra shops.
Set-up invitation rules
Back on the Recharge integration page, you will see a list of events which you can choose to trigger invitations.
These configuration settings are saved separately for each shop integrated with Recharge.
You can also choose to delay the invitation a number of days after we receive the event from Recharge.