⭐️ Active REVIEWS.IO account
✅ Active Shopware 6 account (Grow or Plus)
Instructions ⚙️
Within your Shopware dashboard, navigate to Settings >> Shop >> Email Templates
Then go into 'Add' >> 'Add email template'
We recommend using the following text within the fields
*Information >> Type: Enter delivery state: Shipped
Information >>Description: BCC Email submission template
Options >> Subject: Review submission for {{order.orderNumber}}
Options >> Sender Name: YOUR-STORE-NAME
Mail Text >> Plain Text: submission for Order {{order.orderNumber}}
*Mail Text >> HTML:
<!--name:###{{ order.orderCustomer.firstName }}-->
<!--order_id:{{ order.orderNumber }}-->
<!--email:{{ }}-->
{% for lineItem in order.lineItems %}
<!--product:{{ lineItem.payload.productNumber | u.wordwrap(80) }}-->
{% endfor %}
Note: Required details are marked with * whereas all others can be named as you prefer.
You must go to Settings > Shop > Flow Builder and then click on Add Flow option. Then you need to enter the Name and description in the General tab.
In the flow tab, you will need to go to State Enter > Order delivery > Shipped and then click to add an action. After that, you must select the action as Send Email.
Once that is done, you will need to set the Recipient as Custom recipient, and set the email address to be the unique BCC email address for your account and the Email template as the one that you have previously created. Click the Add action button.
Before saving your Flow, ensure that it is set to active within the General tab and then click Save.