Freshworks IntegrationSync reviews collected on REVIEWS.IO to Freshmarketer for targeted campaigns based on experiences & ratings.
ReAmaze integrationSee reviews by your ReAmaze customers
TakeShape IntegrationConnect your TakeShape account with Reviews.IO!
Attentive IntegrationCreate segmented audiences based on REVIEWS.IO events, and send targeted and personalised marketing & review invitations to customers.
Dotdigital IntegrationSend targeted campaigns to customers using your review data
MailChimp IntegrationSend targeted campaigns in MailChimp
Autopilot IntegrationAutomate your review collection through Autopilot via a Campaign through our BCC integration.
HubSpot IntegrationCreate tickets and update your contact information in HubSpot using Reviews.IO data.
Omnisend IntegrationConnect REVIEWS. to your Omnisend account
Postscript IntegrationCollect Reviews using SMS with Postscript